Wellness Program

Create Balance. Feed your Soul. Fuel your Body.
Expand your Mind. Strengthen Yourself.

Our wellness programs focus on an integrated approach that supports the mind, body and spirit. All of our wellness programs require pre-registration and run at various times throughout the year.

Our eight-week gentle and restorative bereavement yoga is for anyone grieving the loss of someone and is suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. Pre-registration is required as space is limited. Yoga mats and props are available if needed. Yoga is offered at our COHA August Centre.

Reiki is a technique for healing, reducing pain and decreasing stress. Our wellness volunteers who practice Reiki support clients and families on all levels. Reiki is offered to in many care settings, including COHA August Centre, Hospice House and in-home.

Meditation classes, courses and opportunities are offered at various times throughout the year at our COHA August Centre.

Anyone can make a referral to our Wellness Program. Please contact Ian Kunitski at 250.763.5511 for more information.

Upcoming Program Spring 2024

Grief & Yoga
Six weeks starting June 4 to July 9
Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 3:00pm at COHA August Centre
Registration is required by calling Kendall Schultz at 250-763-5511

Help Make a Difference

There are many ways to get involved to help the dying, grieving and their loved ones in the Central Okanagan.