

Matt August & Courtney Abram


The August family has grown a tight connection with COHA after the passing of their uncle, Gary August and seeing first hand the positive impact hospice can make when losing a loved one. Through this experience, and with a rich family history in business as well as charity in the Okanagan community, Matt and his sister founded the August Family Foundation. Since its inception in 2015, the August Family Foundation has raised over 1.6 million for charity through community events like the Okanagan Dream Rally and Cars and Toys.

Matt August is passionate about creating experiences that will last a lifetime through his fundraising and is excited to be a part of Swinging with the Stars 2020!

Over the years, Courtney Abram has witnessed first hand the compassion of the generous hearts who care for both the patients and their families in hospice. Courtney’s grandpa first brought these humans to her attention in 2009 and they have been close to her heart ever since.

Compassion and kindness are two values Grandpa Steve believed to be alive and well in hospice. Injecting these two values into community and organizations is a way for Courtney and her family keep their Grandpa Steve’s legacy alive. Courtney and her family make a point to volunteer at different organizations and donate yearly to organizations dear to their heart – for Courtney, being involved with Swinging With The Stars was an instant yes!

Professional Dance Instructor

Carley Bailey

Born and raised in Kelowna B.C. Carley grew up dancing at The Canadian School of Ballet. She went on to further her Performing Arts education at The Canadian College of Performing Arts where she trained under one of Canada’s most prominent instructors and choreographers, Jacques Lemay. Upon graduation, Carley began her professional career as a headlining singer and dancer on board Holland America and Carnival Cruise Lines. After 10 years of living out her professional dream as a professional singer and dancer,Carley returned to Kelowna. Carley has now been a Director at The Canadian School of Ballet for 10 years. She teaches jazz, tap and is the Artistic Director of the Studios Performance Company- Company/Junior B. This is Carley’s 10th year participating in COHA’s Swinging With The Stars.

Campaign Managers

Matt August & Georgia McConnell